Parking is a modern-day nightmare! Seriously, it’s like trying to play Tetris in real life, finding the weirdest, most narrow places to park your car. It’s no wonder there are so many disputes over parking spots these days. But some people seem to be living in their own private reality.
It’s one thing to fight over who gets the closest place to the entrance at your local supermarket, but taking over someone’s driveway is a whole new level of audacity. One Redditor had an encounter with such a person, as one random lady decided her driveway was the perfect place to park her car “for just 2 minutes.”
Parking wars are real, and it’s always the entitled ones who think they own the road

Our OP kept her cool under pressure and honestly, hats off to her. Maybe what we need is a world where people have basic parking etiquette, because clearly, that’s just a suggestion for some. Let’s all just agree to not be that person, the one who assumes someone else’s property is fair game because “it’ll only be a minute.”
The fun part is that, not only was this lady rude, but she was also trespassing. Yep, in the UK, parking on private property without permission is actually considered trespassing.
Unfortunately, the law’s a bit slow when it comes to getting cars removed. But still, the driveway thief was legally in the wrong and acting like she owned the place. The audacity was next level on this one.
The woman was called “pathetic” by the stranger after telling her the driveway is her property and she wanted to use it herself
You know that feeling when you finally make it home after a week that felt like a year? You’re ready to put on your comfiest sweats, flop onto the couch and binge-watch whatever show Netflix is pushing that week.
That was exactly where our OP (original poster) was mentally when she turned onto her street, only to find an unfamiliar car lounging on her driveway like it had rented the place for the weekend. Who do you think you are, pal?
In classic UK fashion (because apparently this happens in the UK), the driveways are opposite the houses, meaning the OP has to park on a private road. But there, smack in the middle of her driveway, is this random car. And who do we have to thank for this? A mother-son duo, casually walking next door as if they’ve got some kind of VIP pass to other people’s property.
Our OP, because she’s clearly more patient than most of us would be, politely rolls down her window and asks them to move. You’d think this would be the end of it, right? Oh, no. The mom drops the classic, “I was just going to be two minutes!” Like that somehow makes it ok to park on someone else’s property.
What is it with people and thinking “two minutes” is some sort of a magical excuse for trespassing? Is it too much to ask to want to park your car on your own driveway?!
As the woman ever-so-slowly moved her car, like she was doing the OP a favor, she had the gall to call her pathetic. The nerve on some people! And just when you think it couldn’t get worse, her son tells OP to “just park and leave it.” Excuse you? Park where? On top of your mom’s car? Genius suggestion, buddy.
By this point, the OP’s probably sitting there gripping the steering wheel, doing deep breathing exercises and praying she doesn’t stall her car and end up looking like the one in the wrong. Have you ever been so mad you could feel your face heating up like it’s about to combust? Yeah, that was her.

Now, what’s the play when someone throws an insult your way for just wanting to park in your own driveway? Step one, take a breath. Because if you go full rage monster, it’s not going to end with a calm conversation. Step two: resist the urge to invent new swear words. Not that we’d blame you if you lost it. But as experts say, it’s better to rise above.
Instead of snapping back, show them who’s the real adult and watch how fast their sass fizzles out. Keep it cool and maybe hit them with a “not sure why you’re being rude, but I’m really just trying to park my car.” Or, if you’re feeling extra bold, humor can be your best friend. But hey, only if you can pull it off without cracking up.
Our OP kept her cool under pressure and honestly, hats off to her. Maybe what we need is a world where people have basic parking etiquette, because clearly, that’s just a suggestion for some. Let’s all just agree to not be that person, the one who assumes someone else’s property is fair game because “it’ll only be a minute.”
The fun part is that, not only was this lady rude, but she was also trespassing. Yep, in the UK, parking on private property without permission is actually considered trespassing. Unfortunately, the law’s a bit slow when it comes to getting cars removed. But still, the driveway thief was legally in the wrong and acting like she owned the place. The audacity was next level on this one.
Honestly, OP, if we were in your shoes, we’d probably invest in a “no parking” sign, but with a little twist: “No parking. Violators will be subjected to sarcastic comments.” You’d get the satisfaction of pointing to it as the next clueless person tries to argue their way out of stealing your spot.
So, what’s your take on this parking debacle? Ever had to deal with someone acting like your driveway was their personal parking lot?