Many of us rely on our morning caffeine to kick start our daily routine. Research shows that almost a billion people around the world enjoy a cup of coffee every day. For some of us, it has become a cherished daily ritual. However, not everyone enjoys the aroma of a fresh brew.
For instance, a woman took to Reddit to share how a pregnant cashier snapped at her over the smell of her coffee purchase. Continue reading to find out more details about the incident.
Some people relish the aroma of coffee, while others may find it displeasing

It is also known as pregnant gingivitis because of how frequently inflammation occurs. Even though these are not usually harmful to the mother or the unborn baby, they shouldn’t be ignored. You should visit a dentist if and when needed.
During pregnancy, increased bodily fluids and pressure from the growing uterus can lead to swelling in the ankles and feet. This swelling, known as “edema,” typically worsens as the due date approaches, especially in warmer weather.
Childbirth profoundly impacts women’s bodies and lives

Giving birth is a life-changing experience that affects a woman physically, emotionally, and psychologically. And while many of us are familiar with physical changes like a growing belly and morning sickness during pregnancy, there are other aspects as well.
Almost all pregnant women get gassy. This is due to the hormonal upsurge that occurs during pregnancy, which may cause your digestive system to slow down. Due to reduced muscle control, a woman might unexpectedly pass gas at inconvenient moments. Imagine you are at a family function, and your cousins are chatting with you when you suddenly fart. It sounds a little embarrassing, right?
Ob-gyn Michele M. Hakakha, MD, author of Expecting 411: Clear Answers and Smart Advice for Your Pregnancy, suggests, “Exercise helps increase the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, allowing food to move through faster. The less time it has to sit around and ferment, the less gas is produced. Some foods are more likely to produce gas, so the best bet is to avoid them completely: carbonated drinks, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and dried fruit.”
Many expecting mothers also deal with stress incontinence, where a sudden cough, sneeze, or laugh causes them to accidentally empty their bladders. This happens when certain activities increase pressure on the bladder, causing a small amount of urine to leak. This is one of the reasons why women go to the bathroom more often during pregnancy.
Pregnant women are more likely to experience bleeding gums

Apart from pimples and outbreaks that are caused by hormonal changes, many women are also at an increased risk of developing bleeding gums during pregnancy. Around 60 to 75 percent of pregnant women are more likely to experience gum inflammation. It is also known as pregnant gingivitis because of how frequently inflammation occurs. Even though these are not usually harmful to the mother or the unborn baby, they shouldn’t be ignored. You should visit a dentist if and when needed.
During pregnancy, increased bodily fluids and pressure from the growing uterus can lead to swelling in the ankles and feet. This swelling, known as “edema,” typically worsens as the due date approaches, especially in warmer weather. Usually, a heavily pregnant woman shouldn’t stand for long periods, and she should try to stay cool in humid or hot weather.
Women often develop a heightened sense of smell during pregnancy

Apart from pimples and outbreaks that are caused by hormonal changes, many women are also at an increased risk of developing bleeding gums during pregnancy. Around 60 to 75 percent of pregnant women are more likely to experience gum inflammation.
It is also known as pregnant gingivitis because of how frequently inflammation occurs. Even though these are not usually harmful to the mother or the unborn baby, they shouldn’t be ignored. You should visit a dentist if and when needed.
During pregnancy, increased bodily fluids and pressure from the growing uterus can lead to swelling in the ankles and feet. This swelling, known as “edema,” typically worsens as the due date approaches, especially in warmer weather.
Usually, a heavily pregnant woman shouldn’t stand for long periods, and she should try to stay cool in humid or hot weather.