Toxic parents exist, unfortunately. They scar their children for life through their hurtful words and inconsiderate actions. What’s worse is it can turn into a vicious cycle and cause generational trauma. Scroll through, but be forewarned that some of these texts involve themes of attempted self-harm and forced intimacy. Proceed with caution.
You’re about to read answers to a Reddit question that asked, “What’s the worst thing your parents have ever said to you?” People didn’t hold back and shared stories ranging from invalidated feelings to their mothers and fathers wishing they were never born.
Worst Things People Heard From Their Parents: 1.

“If you get AIDS we’re going to let you die alone because we’re not letting you bankrupt us.” I was 18 and they found out I was gay from a letter I had thrown away. They also said one of the funniest things to me during that same time, “What if you want to be President?!”.
Worst Things People Heard From Their Parents: 2.

“You’d better lose some weight and hope someone marries you for your looks, because your personality sucks.”
I was 14 and had just been fired from my very first job. He doesn’t even remember saying it; for me it was one of the worst days of my life and lives in the back of my head, for my father it was a Tuesday.
Worst Things People Heard From Their Parents: 3.

Literally as we were walking out of the hospital, after having to take our three week old daughter off life support. My mother chose that moment to remind me that she really thought,
We should have baptized our daughter because now she can’t go to heaven. Yeah, I just got in the car and ignored her. If I would have reacted, she would have needed to go back into the hospital.
Worst Things People Heard From Their Parents: 4.

My Mum died on Mother’s Day 2020. My Dad declined quickly without her. He said to me:
“I just don’t have anything to live for anymore. Everything I did, I did for her.”
Me: “You still have friends, family, kids…you know I’m still here for you.”
Dad: “You were just for her too.”
He died soon after telling me he never wanted me.
Worst Things People Heard From Their Parents: 5.

“Your mom didn’t die just so you could throw your life away.” From my dad.
Said while crying during what was pretty much an intervention.
My mom died giving birth to me and I’ve only seen my dad cry four times in my life.
Certainly hurt, though at the time it was something I probably needed to hear.
Worst Things People Heard From Their Parents: 6.

In college, my dad told me over the phone, “It’s not your mom’s fault she doesn’t love you as much as she loves your sister. She just doesn’t understand you. You’re too weird for her.”
Thanks, dad. That didn’t hurt at all.
I occasionally drink. My sister died from alcoholism.
She was in a coma in the bed at the hospital suffering from liver failure. I was there with my Dad.
He said “I always though this would happen to you. Not her.”
I have ALWAYS been the straightedge kid, she smoked, drank, did d***s. I was the Church youth group kid, she was just there if her bf at the time was. I barely drink, she was an alcoholic. I never smoked, she did. I don’t do d***s, she did. I’ve always been monogamous, she was not. I’ve given them money to help them through tough spots, she convinced them to give her their retirement and blew it.
The exact opposite of her. But my Dad and my Mom always made her the priority and thought she was a ‘princess’.
So as she was dying from the things she did. They dared to act like it should have been me on the bed.