Being nonchalant is a superpower in a world where everyone cares about what other people think. It’s tough not to get anxious and overthink everything you do while doing it, but apparently, some people have managed to overthrow these social shackles.
That’s exactly what the people featured in this list are like. You’ll get a chance to read unhinged stories about them, and, who knows, maybe it will inspire you to worry less about what society thinks so that you can do whatever you want.
Instances Of Nonchalant Folks: 1

In a meeting with the very arrogant boss of our department and the company executives, there was a question about a major mistake that costs the company a product recall.
Our boss laid the blame on our department, before he was over us, saying we had modified a piece of equipment incorrectly.
Instances Of Nonchalant Folks: 2

I was in a McDonalds during lunch rush. A guy walked in and tried to rob the place. The manager told him he didnt have time to get robbed and just took the next person’s order. The place was packed and the would be robber just left empty handed and ignored.
Instances Of Nonchalant Folks: 3

This is one of my favorite “f**k it” stories. I used to work at a country club. There was a girl (let’s call her Mia) that had worked there for 3-4years before me.
Mia was told she was to replace the wedding manger immediately when she started, but had YET to be given the job after 3-4 years. She confided in me that she was done and ready to quit and move on and this would be her last wedding. I told her to do what was best for her.
Instances Of Nonchalant Folks: 4

Had a customer service manager talking to a woman about a return. He’d already told her he couldn’t do it a few times. She demanded he get his manager. He, no joke, spins a circle and says, “They said no.”
Instances Of Nonchalant Folks: 5

One guy I knew was a pretty good varsity tennis player. Coach gave the no drinking/smoking speech. Something to the effect of you need to choose between partying and tennis. Dude just silently got up and left the team meeting.
Instances Of Nonchalant Folks: 6

My boss’ girlfriend works in the company. One time she was in my section just complaining about something to my manager, who was silently working. Getting no answer she asks him:
– Manager, are you ignoring me?
To which he promptly replies:
– Yes, I am.
She then just left.
Instances Of Nonchalant Folks: 7

So my parents owned an automotive garage. One day a guy comes in and says my headlights don’t work it’s the switch. Dad checks isn’t out and it isn’t the switch. The dude has four blown headlights. It was the old sealed beam headlights so it was expensive but not as expensive as a switch on the column. Anyway guy piece up the car, dad explains he just needed new headlamps not a switch. Dude thanks him, pays and leaves.
He comes back a little later complaining that dad didn’t do what he asked and he was ripped off. Dad explained again that wasn’t his problem but he persisted. Mom gave him his money back but told him she needed to get the lights back. Dude says nah he’ll come back. In the moment of giving no f***s mom walks out and smashes all the lights with a hammer.
She comes back in and sits down as the guy is yelling about calling the cops. Mom dials 911 and hands him the phone. The cops show up and they tell him he got his money back so the lights were moms property to do with as she pleased. He yelled and the police lady told him to leave before she wrote a ticket for driving with no lights.