Schools differ from country to country, and there are some pretty interesting school systems in the world. In The Netherlands, for example, kids start school on their 4th birthday, no matter when the school year starts. Kids in China, in turn, learn on the principle of memorization.
And then there’s the US. What most of us know about American schools probably comes from movies and TV. But what are schools in the US really like? Well, here we have a list of pics from many primary sources, the students themselves. They capture the true experience of the American school.
Florida Teacher Here. This Is Our School’s “Library” Now

Florida passed a law that said no books can be displayed in a school, until they’ve been reviewed and approved by an appointed team. If a teacher shows a book that has not been approved, they could be charged with a felony.

Currently, American schools lag a bit behind other countries in the world in terms of their students’ academic achievements.
When they tested 15-year-olds in their math and science literacy, American teenagers ranked only 38th out of 71 countries. Among other 37 OECD countries in 2022, Americans ranked 38th in math and 12th in science.
Younger students, however, are doing surprisingly more well. In 2015, American fourth-grade students placed 11th out of 48 in math and 8th in science. Eighth-graders scored 8th both in math and science among other 37 countries.
Creepy Surveillance Into The Boys’ Bathroom At My High School

There is a window in the boys’ bathroom that has a perfect line of sight with the security office that doubles as a panopticon of the entire commons area.
If this was the girls’ bathroom, heads would roll and there would have been a riot outside years ago. I hate it here.
I Just Don’t Understand This

Interestingly, Americans don’t think that the quality of education in the U.S. is above average. In fact, 32% of adults believe that when it comes to K-12 STEM education, America ranks below average compared to other wealthy nations. But are statistics of academic achievement all that matter when we talk about schools?
The National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, also surveys children about how they feel at school. Data shows that younger students report feeling happy “all or most of the time” more than older students. 49% of fourth-graders say they’re happy at school, while only 27% of eighth-graders say the same.
Our High School Covers Expiration Dates With A Sharpie

American parents say they’re mostly satisfied with their children’s education but don’t think K-12 education in America overall is of good quality.
They also think that teachers are doing a good job. 36% of parents think their children’s teachers are “excellent” and 37% believe their kids’ teacher is “good.”